Yossi Hope Report

Thousands of Tefillos for Yossi

One year ago, we launched this website, after the terrible events at Meron.

No, it was not created to raise money, only to raise awareness, about Yossi’s (and his family’s) struggles.  Also, to give all of us the opportunity to call out to the Ribono Shel Olam to ask for his rachamim for Yossi and to reach out to his family to give them the kind of chizuk that only Am Yisroel can.


Who is Yossi?

Yossi is 16 years old and is turning 17 IY”H ד חשון.  He was learning in Ohr Torah in Ramat Bet Shemesh.  He has always been very popular because of his wonderful great sense of humor, his sensitive nature and his very kind heart.  He has always cared about people who are less popular and less fortunate.  He filled his room with Gedolim pictures for inspiration and has always shown a strong desire to become a Talmid Chacham…..”the real thing”.

Yossi was in Meron, a year ago, when tragedy struck, and was trampled underfoot.  He was hospitalized in Eretz Yisroel, in critical condition and hanging on for his life.  Much has changed and improved for Yossi, but, of course, it is all in the hands of the Ribono Shel Olam – BUT THERE IS MORE WE CAN DO.  Let’s again commit ourselves to 5 minutes a day, for 10 days in Yossi’s zechus.  Let’s, once again, join together for Yossi.


  1. Nearly a thousand people, from all around the world took on different 5 minute projects to work on themselves, in the zchus of a refuah shlaima for Yossi  
  2. Those same Yidden sent heart felt messages to Yossi’s family and have had an enormous impact on them, knowing we are there for them and we are keeping them in mind, as we work to improve ourselves and storm the heavens  
  3. Yossi has moved from the hospital to home, with intensive rehabilitation.  He is overcoming many medical issues and continues to physically get better.  The hope is that though he often shows response to friends and family, that he, as his mother Michal said in an email, “starts reacting a bit more and even wakes up” be”H.  


Here are some ideas of things that can be done in five minutes – for all these ideas, think about a refuah for Yossi during the five minutes, for 10 days.

  • Learn Torah 
  • Learn Mussar
  • Say Tehillim
  • Think about how we can improve our avodas Hashem
  • Call someone; to cheer them up,  someone who is sick or lonely, or to say you’re sorry
  • Arrive five minutes early to a minyan to be properly prepared to daven
  • Look over a part of davening to understand it better
  • Spend five minutes thinking of something to be grateful for, say thank you to Hashem and the person responsible
  • Spend five minutes parking in a place that won’t block somebody’s driveway
  • Spend five minutes walking away from a tense situation and not getting angry
  • Spend five minutes to bentch slowly and with a greater kavanah

Just a few ideas…WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU!!!